Thursday, December 18, 2014

It's Overtaking Me ...

... 'it' being life, commitments, Christmas time, breathing (LOL).  

Tomorrow was supposed to be our last day of homeschooling until January.  However, our girls are at least on the ball and ahead of the game (unlike their mama).  They started working last evening, was up early and accomplishing their goal of finishing school, today and tomorrow's by today.  Guess what?  They did and have showered too! All by 10:30a.m.!

Me, well I have grading to do, baking, house chores (I'll enlist their help outside their normal responsibility), normal daily life stuff that a mama does for a young/busy family, and Christmas 'stuff' to start (yes, start).  On top of all this, I continue to have pc issues (training).  Finally, I am upgraded, backed up, and good to go.  I still don't have all my email contacts and I doubt I will ever recover (I just don't understand why ... if I use Google, shouldn't everything just be 'out there' on an acct. somewhere???).  I simply needed a little guidance in Windows 8 and Chrome (the latter is way different than what I used to have before the crash).  Our guru was here yesterday, for 2 1/2 hours.  I thought it'd be much less, and I was 'getting it' - soaking in everything and by a fluke even taught him something (good guess on my part!).  I feel he was having so much fun showing me all I can do now (I guess I have a professional version ... um, what?), but all I wanted to do was thank him, thank him, thank him and then scoot him on out the door because I could actually hear the seconds ticking off somewhere in the distance and I was/am developing a nervous twitch.

We also have Barrel Racer's horse up for sale on Equine Now and Craigs List.  Being Christmas, I thought it'd be quiet and we'd have lookers after the 25th.  Oh no.  Day before yesterday I was on the phone with a gentleman in CO offering to buy her outright and ship her there.  Ugh.  I couldn't do that.  For two days I have been corresponding with a woman in IN who shows interest.  Finally, while trying to get dinner on the table in a timely manner for my family last evening, I had to call her.  She wants Cowgirl, however ...

... yesterday morning at 9:30a.m. the girls and I were out in the cold getting video of Barrel Racer on Cowgirl.  Man, the wind had ice blowing in it and it stung.  I just wanted to get that video and get back inside.  Cowgirl must have thought along those lines ... her's being let me walk, trot, and lope my circle and get off me.  She was not in a good mood.  Video was terrible (IMO), but we sent it how it was.  They're still coming tomorrow morning, with a trailer just in case.  If she is still here tomorrow, our IN lady wants to take a look at her next.

Admittedly, I'm sad about all this.  Selling her hearts my heart.  I LOVE Cowgirl and don't want her to go, but the fact is to get BR her next horse, we need to sell the one she has now and use the funds toward the next (I wish a couple $grand$ would magically fall from the sky).  So, the interest is exciting to say the least, but it's Christmas.  Really!!

Also, there is a kid home from college who will be helping Hunter-Jumper prepare for State and Congress this coming year.  I got him to agree to come over after Christmas instead of before since he doesn't head back to college until the 10th of January.

In a few hours we're heading over to a friend's home who holds her amateur card in reining and contesting (she is awesome), and I've talked her into not riding today, but just allowing us to visit for a bit (the girls made something for her for Christams) and then I have to meet up with my mama for that surprise.

And we still need to find time for one more ... something ... for extended family.  But when?

I guess what I'm saying is:  a) either I have too much on my plate; b) I am loser who can't keep up as it seems to me others are handling the hustle & bustle of the season a lot better than I; or c) no one else has anything to do ... LOL!  All of that is typed tongue-in-cheek.  If I had to choose one, I'd say it's a) with some of b).

Therefore, that Creation Museum series I wanted to do.  Not going to happen.  With permission, I had planned on typing out the entire booklet that came with a free gift bag given to each family attending Christmas Town.  I thought I'd post it in chunks with pictures that we'd taken (I took some really good ones to share).  Instead, I'm just getting further behind and this project isn't going to see the light of day, at least not this year.

Instead, I am going to post a link to their blog and I hope you check it out.  If ever you find yourself in the area where Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio meet, please plan a trip to the Creation Museum - they're open year round.  This year was our first to partake in their Christmas Town and we LOVED it!  I found Ken Ham's (Answers in Genesis) teachings on Uncovering the Real Nativity, Rediscover History very interesting.  It will prompt you to dig deeper into your Bible about the birth of our Saviour and you'll start to question some of the traditions we celebrate at Christmas compared to what the Bible actually says.  So, the Creation Museum, check them out by clicking on their name!  If you want to plan a visit next year, it's a free event and worth your time.  Also, after 5:00, it's only $5 to enter the museum during Christmas Town dates.  Maybe we'll see you there!

Now, I need to go dry my hair, feed my girls and head out!

I hope you're all having a blessed day and remembering to focus on Him (I'm chanting this advice to myself)!

In Him~
Homesteader Sandi


  1. Sandi! yes, you sound very busy! But you are not "B"!! You are a wonderful mother who is raising two very wonderful well rounded young women! Soon, (Maybe) their interests will change (ours did) and things will begin to slow down or take a different busy path all together. I would love to take our family to The Creation Museum but we just can't seem to find the time. We have however watched Ken Ham do several videos. Great teacher! And the debate with Bill Nye the Science Guy...awesome.
    So glad your girls jumped in and got their work done to start their break a little early! That shows great responsibility! Try to enjoy the time... they will all too soon be gone!! {{hugs}} my homesteader friend! :)

  2. That debate was interesting! I found myself a little frustrated at times with Ken Ham (felt he was soft), but he did an excellent job overall. Funny that you mentioned this as I saw Nye's book at the bookstore the other evening and had to flip through it. His points (reasoning?) just don't make sense to me. The Bible makes perfect sense! So, can you believe we had to rush home only to find my mama here waiting on me this evening and all the while on our way to the surprise (she is shopping for g'daughters), I was on the phone with another buyer for Cowgirl! The young lady ended up coming to our home and is thinking it over. Needless to say, we have a pizza being delivered since I haven't had a chance to make anything. I need to catch my breath and get ready for the next person to look at her tomorrow, mid to late morning. Whew! I'm listening to you ... I keep smiling and trying to enjoy this process as I know you are right - one day it'll be quiet, too quiet and boring as well! :)

    Thanks for visiting with me!!

  3. Well, if I was closer to your house, I would have you over for tea, and then I would give you a lecture on B)!! You are not a loser at all!!!!! You are a busy momma ( I am exhausted just reading this!)! I home school as well, and it seems to me, either we home school, or we do all the other stuff, some of which is not that important. it is hard to do both things equally well, and teaching our children and enjoying their childhood is the best thing ever ( albeit stressful!). Do you know I have wanted a horse for Christmas ever since I was a little girl? The closest I got was the book "Black Beauty" lol! Are you getting another horse? Do you ride as well? I hope you are having a good weekend! xo
